A85: Re: DHOS calls Update VI


A85: Re: DHOS calls Update VI

shouldn't sqrt be a fp call?  Also, if this goes anywhere, and people start
making big games, won't we need to save at least two module port pins for
memory chip switching on the E2. This would allow us 2 megs and still have
a four pin EMP.


"DoN't caLL Me CraZy.  OvEr 75% oF my PeRSonAliTies arE SANe."
-my psychyatrist

> From: Matt Butch <mjb25@hotmail.com>
> To: assembly-85@lists.ticalc.org
> Subject: A85: DHOS calls Update VI
> Date: Thursday, August 20, 1998 9:59 AM
> I have gotton some reponses from the developers but I would also like
> some input on what the programmers would like to have as calls.  So,
> come on, give me some input!!
> Here are the list of ROM calls I suggest that DHOS supports:
> (*new in Update VI)
> ZShell's
> Usgard's
> EII Calls:
> SRCH_EII-search for a vat in EII
> DEL_VAR_EII-delete a var from EII
> SENDB_EII-send a byte to the EII
> SENDV_EII-send a var to the EII
> RECVB_EII-receive a byte from the EII
> RECVV_EII-receive a var from the EII
> EII Module Port Calls:
> EIIMPB_OUT-ouput a 6bit byte the the EII's module port(EMP)
> EIIMPB_IN-get a 6 bit byte from the EMP
> EIIMPx_HI-x is 1-6;Make EMP pin x high(a 1)
> EIIMPx_LO-" "    "     "        "       "  "  low (a 0)
> EIIMPx_IN-" "     ";get the logic level of pin x
> SEND_I2CR-send a byte in I2C(on EMP) in raw format
> RECV_I2CR-receive a byte
> SEND_I2CM-send data or a var in MBUS format
> RECV_I2CM-receive "  "   "   "   "      "           "
> SEND_TIP-send data or a var in TI-protocal format
> RECV_TIP-same as above but receive
> *SEND_IRP-send data or a var in IR link Protocal
> *RECV_IRP-ditto but receive
> OS Calls:
> LD_LIB-copy a lib to the 85
> RMV_LIB-delete a lib from the RAM
> LD_PRGM-copy a program to RAM
> RMV_PRGM-delete a program from RAM, copy back if changed
> KEY_TO_NUMBER-get key and change to number(if possible), if not return 
> key
> KEY_TO_LETTERU-same as above but change to uppercase letter
> KEY_TO-LETTERL-ditto but lowercase
> FREE_MEM_RAM-return amout of free mem on the 85
> USED_MEM_RAM-  "      "    " used  "   "   "  "
> FREE_MEM_EII-return amout of free mem on the EII
> USED_MEM_EII-  "      "    " used  "   "   " EII
> EXIT_TIOS-exit back to TI-OS
> Hardware Calls:
> LCD_ON-self explanatory
> LCD_OFF-ditto
> CONTRAST_RD-get contrast value
> CONTRAST_WR-change contrast value
> INC_CON-increase the contrast by value in A
> DEC_CON-decrease the conrast by value in A
> Math Routines:
> SQRT-square root
> INT_MUL-integer multiply
> INT_DIV-integer divide
> FP routines:
> FP_ADD-floating point add
> FP_AUB-floating point subtract
> FP_MUL-floating point multiply
> FP_DIV-floating point divide
> FP_CP-compare 2 floating point #'s
> Conversion Routines:
> FP_TO_BIN-convert floating poing(FP) # to binary #
> FP_TO_BCD-same as above but to Binary Coded Decimal(BCD)
> INT_TO_FP-integer to FP
> BIN_TO_BCD-binary # to BCD(ie %10000011(130d) to 130h(%0001 0011 0000)
> BCD_TO_BIN-vice versa
> ASCII_TO_BIN-covert an ASCII # to binary(ie '02' to %00000010)
> BIN_TO_ASCII-vice versa
> BCD_TO_ASCII-convert an ASCII # to BCD(ie 'F0' to %11110000($F0)
> ASCII_TO_BCD-vice versa
> Graphic Routines:
> DISP_PIC-display a 85i file
> DISP_ZCP-decompress and display a ZCP file
> DISP_GCP-   "        "     "    " GCP  "
> PLAY_MCP-play a ASMovie(or MCP) file
> INT_GRAY4-intialize grayscale 4
> INT_GRAY8-intialize grayscale 8
> DEI_GRAY4-deinitialize grayscale 4
> DEI_GRAY8-deinitialize grayscale 8
> DRAW_LINE-draw a line
> DRAW_BOX-draw a box
> DRAW_CIRCLE-draw a circle
> *SCROLL_LF-scroll left
> *SCROLL_RT-   "      right
> *SCROLL_UP-   "      up
> *SCROLL_DN-   "      down
> *LD_SPR_TRAN-load sprite to vid mem tansparent
> *LD_SPR_MASK-ditto but mask
> *LD_SPR_STAN-load sprite directly
> Compression Routines:
> *COM_HUFF-compress huffman
> *DEC_HUFF-decompress huffman
> *COM_ZCP-compress pic as ZCP
> *DEC_ZCP-decompress pic as GCP
> *COM_GCP-compress pic as GCP
> *DEC_GCP-decompress pic as GCP
> *COM_TXCP-compress text as TxCP
> *DEC_TXCP-decompress text as TxCP
> any more?
> what do you think?
> Matt Butch
> mjb25@hotmail.com
> Member of the Doomsday Horizons Adminstrative Commitee(DHAC)
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