Re: A85: Re: A question


Re: A85: Re: A question

OK.  sorry. I have never used ZShell to access vars, so i didnt know.
Jonathan Kaus

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Owen Lewis <>
To: '' <>
Date: Monday, August 17, 1998 4:22 AM
Subject: RE: A85: Re: A question

>Bull.  Look at TI-ROM10.txt, or my source code to MISh.  I would guess that
>Usgard uses the functions described (in TI-ROM10.txt) at $0010 and $0020,
>which can be accessed with the rst commands.  It is actually quite easy.
> Just look at the inputs and outputs of those two routines.
>From: Kaus[]
>Sent: Sunday, August 16, 1998 5:37 PM
>Subject: A85: Re: A question
>In Usgard, use the VAR functions.  For more info on the Usgard VAR
>functions, get the usgard distribution zip and look through the docs.   In
>ZShell, you have to directly access the VAT and RAM, sorry.