Re: A85: Introducing a BReaKtHrOUgh!


Re: A85: Introducing a BReaKtHrOUgh!

If your going to compress and decompress anyway,  why not just write to
three mem areas instead of one.  if your algorithm were adapted for two
bits instead of one, it could only be twice as large.  No prob with an
expander you could have what, 24K videos, then delete them and load your
progs back.  BTW, is your algorithm a bit by bit thing, or does it "unzip"
each picture and display it.  If it is bit by bit no speed decrease would
be noticeable.

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: A85: Introducing a BReaKtHrOUgh!
> Date: Wednesday, August 12, 1998 3:12 PM
> It's in B/W b/c MUCH more memory would be taken up and I couldn't assure
> speed of it.  :)
> -Josh Morris
> -Erik Huizing