A85: NASRWARP func in Usgard funcpack.


A85: NASRWARP func in Usgard funcpack.

This is the documentation on the NASRWARP function in funcpack (usgard 1.1+)

Does the first line of the sprite format make sense to anyone?
a = smallest integer < or > X/8 ????
and b? hmm.
Pls. explain if you know..

NASRWARP ------------------------------------------------------------------
input        HL = pointer to sprite
                BC = X,Y coordinates
                A = 0 -> erases sprite.  Anything else draws it.
output:    Registers destroyed

.db a,b,c
                a = smallest integer < or > X/8
                b = a*8-x+1
                 c = Y
.db %11111111,%11111111,%11111111
.db %01010101,$01010101,%01010101
.db %00100100,%00100100,%00100100
.db %0001....

 - Brook Elliot <sysadmin@bridges.edu> -
   Network Administrator, Bridges.Edu
   ICQ: 1462166
   IRC: Proxy