Re: A85: Newer iR link idea :)


Re: A85: Newer iR link idea :)

its radio...not ir...

>Alright, seeing that my laser tag idea has sparked at least some of your
>interests, I have come up with a new idea.  I ask that you read through this
>lett completely before tossing it.  My family just came into possession of a
>brand new Ford Explorer with keyless entry.  Now this is a long shot, but I am
>going to use an iR link with a program that is designed to throw out a series
>of iR pulses on every frequency and modulation the link can handle.  I may
>need to make a slight modification to the iR link because I think it only is
>capable of one frequency.  These pulses are aimed at the car in attempt to
>gain keyless entry.  Now, I am no theif, and I am only doing this for a love
>of new discoveries.  Also, if anyone can tell if keyless entry is indeed infra
>Red.  I am led to suspect that it it radio.  Thanks.
>-Pat Gray
>"That which does not kill me, better not leave me in any position to return