RE: A85: RPGs


RE: A85: RPGs

This site has the TI-BASIC program called RPN3 it does most RPN stuff, but
you have to enter commas between the stack pushes. This site has ALOT of
programs for the 85, and they have txt files for both the ASM and BASIC
programs where they have compiled all the help files that come with the
program originally. Under the TI-BASIC page, the txt files b_h-m.txt and
b_n-r.txt won't display, Under Internet Explorer, you can right click a
link and "Save target as" option to save the file. Then go in with a text
based editor and get rid of all the control characters (or resave it a
regular txt file). I guess it was saved using Word 2.0 or something. But
anyways, each of the combined txt files make it easy to see which files you
want to D/L and which ones aren't worth your while. Have fun..

>Actually, AFAIK in most implementations of RPG it would be 2-(enter)-3-(+).
>No equal sign, or final enter, is needed ( the + auto-does it ).  If you are
>used to RPG, there is a TIBASIC program out there that somewhat-transforms
>the 85 into an RPG calculator, but the only really common calcs to use RPG
>are the -shudder- HPs.
>RPG does use a stack.
>Ryan J. Myers ( Webmaster ) (ICQ 1473314)
>Portland, Oregon ( US )
>WWW Design, Z80 Assembly / Win95 Programming, CGI Scripting, 3D Graphics
>The contents of this email are my own opinions and do not represent the
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than you needed to know.
