Re: A85: Re: Memory Mapped Devices


Re: A85: Re: Memory Mapped Devices

Dines Justesen wrote:
>  When the processor want to acces a part of the memory it puts the
> addresse
> on the adresseus, the data on the databus and then indicates wether
> this is
> a read or a write. If you want to make a device memory mapped you
> connect
> some logic to the adresse bus which checks wether the current addresse
> is
> the one where you want to place you device. If it is you enable you
> device,
> otherwise you disable it. This makes it look like the device is
> located the
> addresse you chose. It is actually fairly easy to do, when you know
> how it is done.
Have you got any schematics of which I could look at?

