Re: A85: Complement the Z flag?


Re: A85: Complement the Z flag?

On Sun, 2 Nov 1997 17:01:24 -0500 (EST), you wrote:

>To compliment the zero flag, try the following...
>         ld    a,  f
>         xor  %01000000
>         ld    f,   a
You cant do operations directly on the flag register, if i'm not

>another thought...
>  If you are signaling an error, why not just set it or reset it before you
>return?...(depending on the outcome of the operation.)

Because it is the opposite of what i want it to be.  i did something
where i wanted to return on equality (z set), but i wanted the flag to
be low, indicating that the operation failed.  either way, i am now
using the c flag, and it came out better anyway.

