LZ: Usgard user beware!


LZ: Usgard user beware!

This was recieved at ti-list.  It pertains to ZS4 (shell) more.

Eggplant Farms wrote:
> I have researched the 23k problem in the small backup and I found a
> simple problem: THE MEMORY IS _FRAGMEMTED_!! For those of you who
> understand, the calculator's memory can never be fragmented because
> everything is moved up when something in the middle is deleted and
> is moved down when something gets larger. At approximately $9500 in
memory (I
> can't recall the exact location, but could look it up), there is a 3k
> (roughly) hole in the user variable memory (right after yStat and
before the
> first library). This hole was probably caused when the shell was being
> to the top of the memory. I dumped the hole and got this: "log sin cos
> log sin cos tan log sin cos tan..." about 50 times. This text was NOT
> by some random error. Someone must have typed it in. How it became
located in
> an undefined part of memory I don't know. This could explain some of
the bugs
> in Explore. It will eventually crash your calculator, almost for sure.
> the person who mentioned the jump in program memory (I just glanced at
> letter), the calcuator probably explained the hole by calling it part
of the
> program memory (why, I wouldn't know; ask the calculator).
> I have not checked the larger backup for VAT errors but would be happy
to do
> so. I also belive that this is not the only VAT error in the small
> because VAT errors usually lead to more VAT errors.
> I would be happy to fix the backup(s) for you Usgard programmers if
> like. I mentioned that I'd write a VAT fixer (like scandisk), but
> gotten around to it. I'll fix the Usgard problem(s) by hand, though.

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Thank You, Dave Piper
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