LZ: shells


LZ: shells

To all members of the TI85 Assembly community,

        As you all know, recently there have been a plethora of Assembly 
Shells released, most supporting various file formats.  A great fear
the community is that the formats will be incompatable.  Their fear is
not unjustified.  Therefore, before the TI85 diverges into small sublets
OS's, it is the feeling of Nova Coders that a consortium of Shell
Developers should meet for the purpose of deciding upon "universal" file
that all shells can adhere to.  We feel that NOW is the best time to act
the longer we wait, the more difficult it is to modify a shell.  We urge
interested parties to communicate to each other in the interests of both
the devlopers and the users.  Thank you.

Nova Coders (Jonathan Chang, David Chen, Alan Dang)

also, information on Nova can be obtained at:
or you can jump directly to the SuperNova page at

SDK 3.5 will be released in a few weeks, Nova is currently beta testing
our next release of our shell.  SDK 3.5 will have all the current
of SuperNova as well as Relocation and Interrupts.