Re: LZ: Directory category suggestions for the Expander?


Re: LZ: Directory category suggestions for the Expander?

At 11:47 PM 6/5/97 -0500, you wrote:
>> But nobody's ever going to agree on the dir names. I could tell you the
>> I'd like but somebody else will disagree. Just store them in a simple string 
>> on the calc. 16*8 bytes is 128 bytes, plus a separator, that's 136 bytes.
>> too much. If not that, then just number them. Fixed names could be annoying.
>> ________________
>> Jeff Tyrrill's TI Calculator Site: Contains programming tips, undocumented 
>> discoveries and tips for power users, and comparisons of the different 
>> calculator models.
>> TI-Files member: The premiere TI site on the web, with reviews of games and 
>> more.
>I agree that this would be a good idea, and with only 16 directories, you
>could store it on the calculator.  If you ever lost the expander program, it
>would not be that hard to reprogram the dirs back in...
>I also wanted to suggest that instead of not using deleted spaces because of
>being a non-fragmented filesystem.  Simply scan for an area with enough
>spaces to accomodate the current file and save it there...  This would mess
>up the amount of free space count on the expander, but just say greater than
>a certain amount.
>I still think group files are a good idea.  It could be used for multi-part
>programs, several "levels" for games, whole sets of variables or small
>programs.  I dont think it would that difficult to implement and certainly
>help organization, space, and umm other stuff :)
>If USGARD gives a good amount of power to the programmer in terms of expander
>support, I might have to try and implement some of these ideas myself.
>Also, I dont think it said on the web page, but will the new software support
>bad block checking?
>Anyway, take some of this into consideration :)

you know,  if the directories weren't fixed, and two people share an
Expander at school every now and then, if you didn't have the same dirs,
then the software would get reall confused.  Is that right?  I'm not sure,
but probably so. You could just go from the Expander to one calc, then get
another regular calc to calc link, send the prog to him/her, thendelete it
from yours.  And what if you don't have enough free mem?  Well, we'll let
Mel decide on this one.


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