Re: LZ: Voting for your favorite game


Re: LZ: Voting for your favorite game

> Guess he doesn't like my joke. Too bad, I enjoyed it :) Maybe he needs to
> go over the docs on this list-serve again, the ZSHELL listserve, NOT the
> place to advertize you www site. Besides there are MUCH better ways to go
> about that.
>                              Biya,
>                                Will Stokes
>                                  8^)
>            _____________________________________________________
>           /                                                    /|
>          /____________________________________________________/ |
>         |                                                    |  |
>         |                      Will Stokes                   |  |
>         |                     |  |
>         |          |  |
>         |                                                    |  |
>         |                 My Personal Homepage               |  |
>         |       |  |
>         |                                                    |  |
>         |             The TI-85 Calculator Center            |  |
>         |   (the website I maintain and update very often)   |  |
>         | |  |
>         |                                                    | /
>         |____________________________________________________|/

Hey Will, you crack me up -- Not a place to advertise web pages eh?
What's this 50 line signature file of yours for?  Just to make
your email look nice?  Har, looks like an advertisement to me.  If
you're doing it, I'll do it to: BABY! :)

- Daniel Walls

Follow-Ups: References: