Re: A85: Mario for the 85 (my $0.02)


Re: A85: Mario for the 85 (my $0.02)

Kevin Buck wrote:
>         I really don't know who the author is of this new Mario game, but I
> would like to say a few things.  Since this is just obviously the very first
> level, You should really make it a bit easier,

OK:) I know it was kind of hard, but I didn't want to release an easy level
because then we would have another sqrxz. (which is a great game, it's just 
that the level is too easy)

> and consider making the second key the jump key.  

I should probably explain why F1 is the jump key. When I was just doing the 
groundwork on this game, before I could test it, I thought I would have mario 
go slow normally and use F2 as the Run key. But it turned out that the 
scrolling takes up too much time and adding a delay loop would not be good.

Very well, I'll change the jump key to [2nd] in version 0.4

> Another thing, if you look at the old nintendo
> controls, the cursor pad is on the left.  How about making everything
> display upside down, and just turning the calc over.  I tried this, and it
> really isn't as difficult as it may sound to see the screen etc.  That way,
> as in the old games, 2ND could be jump, and EXIT could be turbo.

The problem with exit being the run key is that the user might not be able to 
find out how to quit the program! This is why F1 became the jump key. Also, 
it would be too much trouble to turn the calc upside down. I would have to 
rewrite my scroll routines, sprite routines, and anything that accessed the 
screen, which is my entire source code. No thanks.
(I might do this after the final version is done, if the demand is present)

BTW, I'd like to ask what the title pic should be. BxW, 4grays, or 8grays. 
Let me just say that 8grays is MUCH better than 4grays, and 4grays is MUCH 
better than BxW. The only question is about memory. Thoughts? Perhaps a 
seperate string could carry the title pic? (Anyone know how to do that?) 

Go here for Mario 0.3!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terry Peng < >

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