Re: LZ: Couple of questions.


Re: LZ: Couple of questions.

The VAT is the Variable Allocation Table, stores information on where the
Variables are stored.  There is a Text file on TICALC.ORG explaining how
the VAT is structured.

IX, IY are index registers.  AF is a two byte register pair of the
register 'A' (I hope you've heard of that one...) and the flag register
(ie, when you jr z, wherever, z is a flag).  Not used in two byte form
very much except for pushing and poping.

Jim Reardon
Viva La Mexico
We all come into the world the same way - naked, screaming, covered in
blood.  But if you live your life right, that kind of thing doesn't have
to end there.

On Sun, 6 Jul 1997 16:22:13 -0400 (EDT) writes:
>I am an amateur programmer, and I have a couple of questions about 
>programming.  1) What in the world is VAT?  2) I know about registers 
>that kind of stuff, but what is the function of IX,IY,and AF?  3) I 
>know that
>there are many different TI-85 shells, but which one is the best?  and
>finally 4) What in the world is Supernova (not the star :-) )?
> Thanx
