RE: A85: Why even use libraries?


RE: A85: Why even use libraries?

Quite a bunch, I think, but I have an idea for Usgard 1.0...

From: 	Michael Pearce[]
Sent: 	Tuesday, August 12, 1997 3:16 PM
Subject: 	Re: A85: Why even use libraries?

Also, how many instructions (clock cycles?) does it take to call a

-mike pearce

On Tue, 12 Aug 1997 11:43:51 +0200, you wrote:

>I think it's about 150 bytes.
>	Andreas
>From: 	Michael Pearce[]
>Sent: 	Monday, August 11, 1997 7:21 PM
>Subject: 	Re: A85: Why even use libraries?
>Does anyone know how large the code for using libraries is in Usgard?
>i would be extrememly interested to know this.
>On Mon, 11 Aug 1997 11:02:07 -0400 (EDT), you wrote:
>>Why not just use all of the routines you would call from some generic
>>library, and put them at the end of your program like a subroutine?  It would
>>allow you to modify the routine for whatever way you wanted it to do, and
>>only waste space if two programs use the exact same routine.  This might
>>happen fairly frequently, but with the amount of space on the calculator, you
>>can only hold so many games, so even if libraries would save you 300 bytes,
>>have you ever heard of a 300 byte game that was worth anything?

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