LZ: The one thing that is constant on Turbo-TIs and regular TIs


LZ: The one thing that is constant on Turbo-TIs and regular TIs

I don't know why no one has mentioned the TRUE thing that is constant on
TurboTIs and regular TIs.  I know from experience.

[drum roll please...]

One thing that is constant is what I consider to be the Keyboard timer.
In normal TI-Basic, and ZShell programs the keyboard moves at the same
speed.  However, in some programs such as GameWizard, the keyboard
repeats too fast on the TurboTI.  I believe that it is because GW uses a
different method to "getKey"

If anyone knows the author of ZTetris 1.1, please ask for the source
code.  Whether he intended or not, ZTetris's timer is independent of CPU

		==The rate at which the blocks fall down is a constant
		==regardless of the speed of the calculator

This is related somehow to the keyboard repeat-rate since my TI-85
repeats FASTER than all other TIs (an error due to manufacturing). 
Thus, when my TI85 was non-accelerated, my blocks fell down FASTER than
my friends 3x (remove c9) calculator.  When I accelerated my own
calculator, the block in ZTetris still move at the same speed.