Re: LZ: I think I have a definite plan for memory... I think...


Re: LZ: I think I have a definite plan for memory... I think...

According to Alan Bailey:
>That would rock.  Games could be released with pictures and short video, 
>which you would transfer to the external mem.  If you didn't have 
>external memory, you could use the game, but without intro screens/many 
>pictures.  I'd love to see this occur.

Me too... also I made a mistake, at B/W 15fps that would be 9 hours of
fullscreen video. :D

Because of it's nature I don't think grayscale would work, but if it did
it'd be 33 minutes. :)

Catch ya later,
Ryan Myers ( )
"Canthus" or "Darren" on DARKWORLD / Twisted Fate

C> Warning: REALITY.SYS may be corrupt.  Reboot universe(y/n)?
