LZ: Custom Menu Manager


LZ: Custom Menu Manager

Tonight I made a program that sits right after ZShell in memory and 
will "store" programs in the custom slots.  Actually, it stores a few 
bytes and a description in the program and then the custom pointer 
points to this.  When the custom button is pressed, it jumps to this, 
where it finds a jump command to another spot in the program.  From 
here it figures out what the address of the program is and runs it.  
Right now it is 110 bytes, but there are just about NO features other 
than if the program is run from the ZShell menu, it will 
automatically put itself in the custom menu.  But, the neat thing 
about this is that only the program has to be in a fixed location in 
memory, but the games (or other programs it calls) can move around in 
memory without crashing the calc.  I think that what I might do is 
that since my interrupt routine also has to be right after ZShell, so 
I could combine the two into a single program right after ZShell.  

I plan to add a whole bunch of stuff to this, such as having the user 
select what programs go in the custom slots, as well as descriptions 
for each because the long descriptions for ZShell will look pretty 
stupid in a custom menu slot.  Right now, it is set to put ZTetris 
into slot 3 of the custom menu.

Let me know what you think of this idea!
