Re: LZ: Blank Memory Backup


Re: LZ: Blank Memory Backup

John Yuschak wrote:
> To those who want to HELP,
> I have pasted together a text file that is a map of a blank backup. I cleared my memory, and sent a backup to the computer, then hex viewed it. 
What I want to
> Has this been done before?
> Do you have any additions (your name will be added to the file)?
> Is this map useless, and a waste of time?
> Is is helpful?
> Would you use it?
> I am sorta new, and I just want to contribute. If this is a bad idea, please tell me by word (not by flame). BTW, any ideas for a ZShell math 
program (High Sch
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------
> ******************************************************************
> *                TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 85 CALCULATOR                 *
> *                          MEMORY MAP                            *
> *                                                                *
> *                         JOHN YUSCHAK                           *
> ******************************************************************
> This file is a result of my undertaking to understand the memory
> of the TI-85. I have analyized and re-analyized the TI-85 backups,
> and have found out where things are. Most things I still do not
> yet understand, but please bear with me. Also, I would like to
> thank David Boozer, for his knowledge of variables.
> ******************
> *** Memory Map ***
> ******************
> Offset      Purpose or Desription
> ---------   --------------------------------
> 0000-0034   File header
> 0035-08b0   ???
> 08b1-08ce   Custom menu text
> 08cf-0914   ???
> 0915-091b   Ans variable
> 091c-0924   yStat variable
> 0925-092d   xStat variable
> 092e-092f   Checksum
> *******************
> *** File Header ***
> *******************
> The backup file header contains information on what date the
> was created, and what time. The file header usually looks like
> this:
>   **TI85**   Backup file dated XX/XX/XX, XX:XX
> Where X is replaced with the needed information. This information
> is not useful to the user, only if he/she needs to know when the
> last backup was made.
> ************************
> *** Custom Menu Text ***
> ************************
> The offsets 08b1-08ce contain the text of which make up the custom
> menu. Every 2 bytes make up one menu. For instance, the offsets
> 08b1 and 08b2 make up the first custom menu. These bytes can be
> rearranged (in groups of 2), in effect, moving the contents of
> each menu.
> **********************
> *** Variable Bytes ***
> **********************
> The variable bytes are arranged in a special format recognized by
> the TI-85. For example purposes, we will use the Ans variable.
> Here are the bytes for Ans:
>        73 6e 41 03 8b fb 00
>        --------------------
>   Byte 1  2  3  4  5  6  7
> Here is the format of those bytes:
>   Byte(s)    Purpose or Description
>   -------    -------------------------------------------------
>   1,2,3      Contains the name of the variable backwards
>   4          Contains the # of characters in the variable name
>   5,6        Contains the address of the variable in memory
>   7          Contains the type of the variable
>   Note: This table does not hold for all variables, since
>         all variable names are not 3 bytes in length.
> This file will not go any more in-depth with topic. For a more
> detailed look at variables and related, pick up "Hacking the
> TI-85 Calculator" by David Boozer. His file includes the above
> table, and more in-depth information.

Yes, you mentioned hacking the 85.  That's a good one, and TI-ram.txt, 
which was just updated, contains a good memory map, but not very 
Compliments of:
  Alan Bailey
