Re: LZ: Disassembling


Re: LZ: Disassembling

> > I printed some of the ASM code out from the ROM, but does anyone know 
> > where the CPU starts when it is turned on??
> When the calculator is reset it starts from $0000, and probably also
> when it's switched on after a "normal" switch-off. I'm not sure how
> it works when it's "auto-powered-off" though.

I figured that it started at 0000h when the batteries were taken out 
and it was fully reset.  I traced it some and it just sets a bunch of 
stuff mentioned in some docs.  I think that when you insert the 
batteries, it is turned on and it runs some code and then in 
immediately shut off because there is a halt command in there.  I 
wanted to know where it started when it is turned on normally.

