Re: LZ: ROM info


Re: LZ: ROM info

> I know that this might be a little off-topic, but I just started to 
> REALLY disassemble ROM v3.0a, and I found that there are FOUR (4) 
> search buffers!!  One at $8082 (we know), one at $808D (we also know),
>  one at $8098, and one at $80A3.  Did anyone know this?  I thought 
> that that was kinda intresting. ;)
there's six.. (just like op1 to 6 on teh ti-83)
didn't I put this in ti-ram.txt?

here's the extract from my copy.. if this isn't in any then i must 
not have released the latest version.. (well, i am pretty busy)

11   8082: general storage area 1: 
           when used for variable funtions teh format is:
       1 Byte type of variable found afterward
      1 Byte length of name of variable to locate
             8 Bytes of name plus padding (left over from last name)
11   808d: general storage area 2 
11   8098: general storage area 3 
11   80a3: general storage area 4 
11   80ae: general storage area 5 
11   80b9: general storage area 6 

Rob Taylor MAIL - 
           WEB  -    
