Re: LZ: a zipping utility


Re: LZ: a zipping utility

At 03:27 PM 9/5/96 -0600, Sam Stauffer wrote:
>I don't have any documents on it since I saw it in Dr Dobbs September
>1996 issue, but you could get source for it at (I think
>that's the address).

In case anyone's interested, the full article is available at:
Actually, the Burrows-Wheeler Transform algorithm mentioned in the Journal
just sorts the data to prepare it for compression; it doesn't actually
compress by itself.  When coupled with a good compression algorithm, it can
compress things smaller than gzip normally can.  However, a sorting as well
as a compression algorithm on the calculator would probably take up more
space than it's worth.

As my calculator is currently filled to the brim with lovely ZShell games,
compression would be a good thing.  I agree with others that only a
decompressor need be put on the calculator; once a decompressed, runnable
copy of the program is generated, it can be deleted when finished with while
the compressed copy remains throughout.  I don't know how feasible this
project is, but I think it's probably worth a try.  (Not with the BWT in it,
|Martin Hock   -   -  Oxymoron at #irchelp on EFnet|
|"I'm influenced by television?  That's a load of rich creamery butter!"|

Follow-Ups: References: