Re: LZ: TI-82/83/(92?) Basic Link Program


Re: LZ: TI-82/83/(92?) Basic Link Program

I think this has been talked about before.  Running TI-Basic programs 
(no matter which calc they are for) in ZShell is basically 
impossible, unless you plan on disassembling the entire ROM and 
locating where the Basic calls are in memory.  It is just too hard to 
implement all the commands within 10K or 15K (even 25K).  Even if you 
could find all the TI-Basic commands in the ROM, there are many on 
the 82/83 that are not on the 85, so these would have to be 
completely handle through the ZShell interpreter.  Pretty hard, but 
it might be possible.  Sorry to be discouraging, but I wanted to warn 
you before you attempted to undertake the task.  (I'm not saying it's 

Ben Shakal

> Eric Barker (
> Ok, I wrote about this earlier under the title, "What Happens Next", I 
> am changing the thread title and am adding to it.  Well, "Someone" got 
> interested in my idea of making a TI-82/83/92 Link program for ZShell.  
> Here are the criteria it would have to have at minimum:
> 1.  Be able to read at least TI-82 and, most likely, TI-83 Basic 
> programs
> 2.  Be able to execute these programs inside of ZShell at the same speed 
> as the original calc would.
> 3.  Big, very important one: be able to send BACK the program to the 
> TI-82/83 with no problem after it has been sent to the TI-85.
> 4.  Completed program needs to be small.  No 25k program, maybe 10k-15k 
> max (ZShell takes up about 1.2k, TI-82/83 basic programs will take up 
> memory as well)
> Some extras might be a TI-Basic 82/83 Editor, TI-92 compatablity, 
> exchange of other veriable types, and maybe a TI-82 to TI-83 porter 
> (likely).
> Here's, in general terms, what I think could be a good way to do this.
> 1.  A link program Collects the TI-82/83 data and puts it in a string 
> veriable in compact format (each command is one character).  Remember 
> that TI-82 Basic programs are much smaller than TI-85 programs because 
> each command is one character long in memory.
> 2.  The ZShell program would read the TI-82/83 program command by 
> command, character by character all the way throughout the program, I'm 
> guessing that ZShell is fast enoph that it will even have time left over 
> (be faster than on the TI-82/83).
> 3.  A small link subprogram could send back the TI-82/83 program in 
> reverse of the 1st step.
> I would like to get started on this as soon as I can get my compiler to 
> work (I just might have to use my PC (icky!)).  I don't have much 
> experience in writing for ZShell but this might be the program to force 
> me to learn it well.
> If you have any info, suggestions, or anything else to add, please send 
> it to this thread.
