Re: LZ: Info on TI-85 FTerm


Re: LZ: Info on TI-85 FTerm

-> > Several people have said that they have used FTerm on the 92. How
-> EXACTLY > was the graphlink hooked to the modem. What commands
-> worked? Could the > modem actually recieve calls, or just place them?
-> Can it download/save any > info? What speed can it connect at?
-> the modem is connected to the graphlink cable through an
-> adapter(which is simple to build). All of the commands that are
-> supported by the modem are supported by f-term, it can make and
-> recieve calls/ but currently you can not save dl'd files(thiss will
-> currently cause problems with the ti-92) or dl files using a modem
-> transfer protocol. The max. connect speed is 9600 baud

Do you get everything like DTR and be able to set baud rate data bits
stop bits and parity etc?
