Re: LZ: power off


Re: LZ: power off

Alright, I _honestly_ don't mean to be flaming anyone, but, _stop 
questioning my routine!!!_   It works, doesn't it?  So why do you 
care if "I didn't do this" or if "I forgot that"?

In response to your question:
Well, it works, right?  So, theoretically, it can't be missing 
anything.  ;)
>Isn't your PowerDown missing 
>ld a,64
>out (6),a
>?  I read "PORTS.TXT" and it says to write 40h (60d)
>to port 6 to drop to low power mode.  Or is it that turning
>off the screen, dropping to slow processor speed _and_
>killing the screen crashes the calc?


