Re: LZ: Daedulas v 0.2b


Re: LZ: Daedulas v 0.2b

well there is two reason why this might happen

1. you don't have enough mem free on your calc for the grayscale routines.
2. your calc is messed up.

It worked on mine.

> Does anyone else's version of Daedulas v 0.2b not work correctly?  On
> mine, when I run it, the screen is full of "junk," a bunch of pixels are
> turned on over the actual gameplay screen and I cannot remove it.  What
> is up with this?
> David Koskamp
        ***************************************************  <-- P | M C Q
        *** NeW ToPiCS ********* XeeN SoFTWaRe HaS a NeW **  <-- L | A O U
        *************************GaMe.   Tetris v1.0B *****  <-- E | I M E
        *** NeW WeB PaGe SooN *http://garfield.leesummit. *  <-- A | L M S
        *** **********************  <-- S |   E T
        ***************************************************  <-- E | A N I
        *** XeeN SoFTWaRe PRoGRaM LiST, THaT aRe RaTeD 1 **  <--   | N T O
        ****Tetris v1.0 ***********************************  <-- R | Y S N
        ****FDM v3.0 ********** SEE WEB SITE FOR DETAILS **  <-- E |     S
        ****Crypt v1.0 final*******************************  <-- A |   O
        ***********************InFo BaNNeR By: Carl Turner*  <-- D |   R !
        ***********************cturner@garfield.leesummit.*  <--   |
        ************************** Pres. of XeeN *  <-- ! |
Carl Turner
        `Life is but a child's rhyme,
         Mostly done in double time.'
                        mad bogart

