LZ: Re: Acceleration


LZ: Re: Acceleration

At 10:26 PM 7/13/96 +0700, you wrote:

>About these accelerated calcs, what is the clock speed on them?
>I think that this is a venture worth pursuing, but it will be a difficult
>task.  After all, timing is everything.

I pu ta 1.0pf Capcator in mine and it runs about 2.5-2.7 times faster than a
normal TI ...

The problem is that Zshell stuff runs WAY to fast for it ...

I would recommend not accelerating your TI unless you plan on doing lots of
graphs...  I am very sorry I accelerated mine ...

James C. Lewis
e.magination  [An Electronics Supply Distro  Specializing in The TI-Graphics
