Re: LZ: Teleconferece


Re: LZ: Teleconferece

Eric P. Anderson wrote:
> >Well, with the standard system routines, this would be correct, but I'm
> >sure it'd be possible to create some type of networking software in
> >assembly where each calc handles the incoming signal depending on where
> >it's coming from -- it'd require a lot of synchronization and thought,
> >obviously,  and I don't know if you'd be able to have it recognize it
> >when a new calc joins without telling each calc explicitly, but it should
> >be able to be done to handle multiple calcs as long as the programming's
> >right, right?
> How about boosting the power enough so that you can chat either at a
> distance or perhaps write a program so you can use it as a pager.  If you
> have a speaker you could even make it beep when you get a page.
> Comments?
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All the program would need to do is select one of the calcs to be the 
"server" for the group adn it would select a time that each TI Calc 
could "talk" adn recieve info. it would take precise Sync'n, and alot of 
 time to switch through big groups of calcs.  adn the page would be 
easy. all you have to do is have it send a message to  all the calcs 
that is only addressed to one of them, and that one will be looking for 
its name. it will then beep. BUT it cant cause you have teh RT link 
using the port.

OK well what do you think?
                  "Everything under the sun is in tune,
                   But the sun is eclipsed by the moon"
                                      --Pink Floyd, DSOTM
