Re: LZ: Unsubscribe


Re: LZ: Unsubscribe

At 06:29 PM 7/10/96 -700, you wrote:
>   I am sick of this type of attitude!  So what
>if somebody doesn't know how to unsubscribe.  You snotty, stuck up
>pricks get on my nerves.  Tell the poor guy how to really unsubscribe!
ahh, but in your arrogance, you failed to realize that you didnt tell the
person either, you are just as bad as us pricks. i dont appreciate being
called snotty, or stuckup, considering i have to work to pay for my internet
acces that lets me listen to you act like an asshole, ill bet your parents
pay for your access, and baby you left and right, grow up and think about
what you say before you say it.

<return to subject>

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