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No Subject

In responce to the person who thought the title was too long, its not,
that is not the prob. THe un-cut versio of the prog (which goes to a
selectio scren with picture too) does not lock the calc. Unless you select
to start the game and thus run nasr to draw background. Does anybody have
any sugestions as to what I'm doing wrong with nASR? For that matter, has
anybody else out there successfully used NASR? If you have, what am I
doing wrong?

			Will Stokes
*                   Will Stokes		         (                 *
*      	 )  Comment of     *
*      						 (  the times:     *
*              My Personal Homepage		 )                 *
* 	 (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
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*           The TI-85 Calculator Center		 (  Oxymoron:      *
* (the website I maintain and update very often) ) Power Macintosh *
*	 (                 *
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