Re: LZ: Zshell 4.5


Re: LZ: Zshell 4.5

-> > >I guess I will throw in my $.02 about possible zshell programs.  A
-> > >uilt in subroutine for random numbers would be nice.  I definitely
-> could go > >for a preference screen, or possibly there could be a
-> control panel that > >programs could load options into.  That way all
-> the options would be in one > >menu.  A speed control could be handy
-> as well in case you want a program to > >run slower if your ti is
-> accelerated.  That's all the things I can think > >of so far, let me
-> know what anyone thinks about my ideas.
-> > >
-> > >Mike Berry
-> >
-> > Other Subroutines could be
-> >
-> > High Score
-> > Collision (maybe)
-> > NASR (maybe) So 2 programs with NASR only need a library
-> > Grayshade
-> > Etc
-> > Min Idzelis
-> >
-> These things have no place in the zshell kernel.  They should be
-> implemented in the program itself.  Otherwise zshell quickly becomes
-> a 6e12k pile of bloat.

They would be good for a library. For example, when ever you run a
program it checks to make sure you have the right libraries, if not it
tells you to get them, otherwise it continues. That way if, let's say, a
bunch of games used NASR, they could just use a library and wouldn't
need to have it in themselves.
