Re: LZ: Mach-85 (REAL TI Emulator!!)


Re: LZ: Mach-85 (REAL TI Emulator!!)

I'm sorry, but I have to jump in here and put my 2 cents in...
Who cares what the definition of an emulator is, WHO CARES!  Nukewar is
writing a program that will aid in TI-85 program development.  Anything that
will make life easier and faster is worth looking at.  If the Mach-85 works,
then great.  If not then give the guy constructive input that will help him
fix it or make it better.   Other wise, grow-up, quit wasting bandwidth with
your feldercarb and get a life.   Comments like the ones below are
inappropriate on a public mail list;  take them off-line.

At 12:07 PM 8/13/96 -0400, Lance Bradley wrote:
>Goddamn! you are the biggest fucking dumbass in the world!
>You just don't grasp it with you feeble minded little TI-basic Rules,
ZShell sucks
>I lauged why reading your "interview" and now your cheesy as hel mach-85.
>and you don't understand what an emulator does....
>The heart of it doesn't emulate a calculator, it emulates the processor.
>Which you aren't doing.
>6 days 7 hours and 32 seconds
>oops no! can't make my deadline!
>12 days 7hours and 11 seconds
>ohh look i'm an idiot!!!
>heh nukeware...i always laugh 
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>| From: Chris Kline <>
>| To:
>| Subject: Re: LZ: Mach-85 (REAL TI Emulator!!)
>| Date: Sunday, August 12, 1990 10:42 AM
>| > Eh... Just want to spoil your happiness, but that's not a real
>| > emulator. The other one is a real, and it's legal. (Where have you
>| > been??) You just must make your own rom dump and that's easy.
>| > Your so-called "emulator" is just a clone for the pc, and I doubt
>| > very much that it's 100% compatible... If you want ZShell to work,
>| > the whole memory management must be indentical, else it won't work.
>| > If it is, well then it may work, but why WHY should anyone want
>| > a TI-85 clone for PC??? I mean, the reason you have a calc is
>| > that it's small and you use it at school.
>| Maybe you had a brain meltdown when you read over my posting.
>| Mach-85 is an emulator.  An emulator EMULATES something, and that's exactly
>| what it does.  The whole purpose is that there's lots of extremely usefull
>| functions added plus the ability to run programs on the pc, compiling them in
>| a second rather then the 2-3 minute wait on a calc, and then also adjusting
>| to speeds that are 2x faster then ZShell for kicks.
>| > The TI-85 emulator that exist is VERY good, and the only bad
>| > thing is that you must have a parallel link to transfer from
>| > the calc (hopefully fixed soon).
>| If your satisfied with or whatever the actual name of it is
>| by Rob Taylor you must be insane.  Sure it's identical to the TI in
>| every way, because it IS basically the TI cause it's a ROM dump which
>| according to Texas Instruments is illegal to destribute.  It's also
>| VERY limited and SLOW and can't even save to the hard drive.
>| > > - Spell Checking
>| > 
>| > On a calculator? Ehhh.
>| Wuld Yu Rthr Hve Yor Progrms Lok Lik Thois??
>| (Our Would You Rather Have Your Programs Look Like This?) 
>| > You call that a "TI-85 emulator"?? It's a PC program that can
>| > run TI-85 basic program and probably have graph support and
>| > such.
>| There's nothing the TI can do that Mach-85 can't.
>| > Low price? When you can get a shareware math program for the PC for
>| > free? Come on!!You can get Mach-85 shareware to try before you buy.
And this isn't
>| exactly a little math program.
>| > Umm. Good luck to get ZShell to work. And definately ZShell programs.
>| > I want to see a working Grayscale program or Ulterior Motive on it...
>| It can be done, the only dilema is that Mach-85 doesn't throw everything
>| in a ROM dump so you can't take the ZShell backup and install it.  If it's
>| not supported, oh well, then I guess we're limited to the basic programmers.
>|  _.--------------------------------------------._
>| |      ___                                       |
>| |   _-'   '-_       Chris Kline                  |
>| |  '-_'Nuke'_' President Of Nuke Ware .          |
>| |    _'Ware-,  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^          |
>| |   '--_ _-'           |
>| | _--_;| |;_-_--_                                |
>| |'.-_"-_---_-_--.'                               |
>| |_      "Setting A New Standard In Gaming"      _|
>|   '--------------------------------------------'
