Re: LZ: manipulations


Re: LZ: manipulations

On Sat, 10 Aug 1996 wrote:

> Which type of these manipulations is most efficient???
> Is  ld a,5
>      ld b,a
>      ld a,50
>      sub b
> More efficient than
>      ld a,5
>      sub 50
>      neg

The second one is more efficient.  I wrote it without the book
available and I didn't remember for sure that an immediate subract
was valid, so I wrote it the way I was sure would work.


> And is a loop to add the number being multiplied to itself that # of times
> (i.e.  6 * 8 = 8+8+8+8+8+8)
> more efficient than a loop to shift left (6 * 8 = 6 shifted left three times)
> Also, would the shifting method be able to work for #'s that aren't powers of
> 2 (odd #'s)
> Finally, could someone explain division and how you would deal with
> remainders.
> Thanx,
> EJ
> <>
