LZ: Flush Your Toilet with your TI-85!


LZ: Flush Your Toilet with your TI-85!

I just got this great idea for a TI-85 project! Flush your toilets with
your TI-85 under Zshell! I think I'll use some sort of hybrid TCP/IP and
Ethernet protocol for communication. My idea is to have the TI-85 remotely
detonate and hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell, creating water and energy to in
turn flush the toilet.

I need 50 engineers and 50 programmer to reap in the huge profits of this

On the other hand, the package is available for $50. For more information,
see my homepage.

Web Presence: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/6884/index.html
email: Look up, it's obvious.
Chat Nick: Biscuit
If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe
you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey,
free dummy.        
			- Another Deep Thought by Jack Handy