[A83] Re: CRT (was SDCC port)


[A83] Re: CRT (was SDCC port)

>Most programs use only a fraction of the c library functions, that mean 
>that you will have a lot of functions in your lib not used by any program 
>on the calc, and thus wasting space.

I have considered this.  I think the solution is to choose only a very 
commonly used subset of the CRT to share.  For example, most every program 
will use printf(), so that should go into a shared library.  On the other 
hand, strtok() would very rarely be needed, so it makes more sense to 
statically link it (under the belief that on the average calculator, *no* 
programs will requiie strtok()).

>What is the point of having Ansi C on the calc really? not much more then 
>the academic pleasure.

That's not enough for you? :)

As for people worried about compatibility, I don't see this as a problem.  
One huge advantage of the CRT is it is highly standardized.  The likelihood 
that I'll change the interface of printf() from one library to the next is 
exactly 0, since I will be following the ANSI standard.  By using a jump 
table in the shared library, I can assure that even if the library is 
upgraded, programs will still work (and vice versa, programs should still 
run no matter how old the library).  The only times I envision there being 
an update to the shared library would be if a more optimized version of some 
of the routines were written.  In that case it would be a good idea to 
upgrade the library, but certainly not nexesarry.

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