[A83] Re: email virus stuff


[A83] Re: email virus stuff

I also got a virus, from "ti-83", the return address was something like
marie.????@wanadoo.fr IIRC

> ok, I know klez is getting old, but does anyone know a peter@ds98.com, 
> because if you do, you probably have one of those email adress spoofing 
> worms. I think it would be rather hard to send an email virus through 
> hotmail (I do not use outlook express or anything)
> (1st email)
> The attachment(s) that you sent with the following mail
> was deleted by MailScan (not delivered to the recipient)
> ==========================================================
> The Mail came from    : j_pardey@hotmail.com
> The Mail recipient    : peter@ds98.com
> Subject of the Mail   : Happy Allhallowmas
> Message-ID            : 
> <200210191448.g9JEmuoi348810@pimout4-ext.prodigy.net>
> The following attachments were deleted:
> Attachment: href.pif
> ==========================================================
> Use  MailScan on  your  EMail Servers  for maximum protection
> >from Internet-borne viruses.
> (next email)
> The attachment(s) that you sent with the following mail
> had Viruses in it!
> =============================================================
> The Mail came from    : j_pardey@hotmail.com
> The Mail recipient    : peter@ds98.com
> Subject of the Mail   : Happy Allhallowmas
> Message-ID            : 
> <200210191448.g9JEmuoi348810@pimout4-ext.prodigy.net>
> Attachment-Name         Virus-Name              Action-Taken
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> 61228665.HTM            "Exploit.IFrame.FileDownload" Deleted
> href.pif                (None)                  File was Deleted as per 
> Server
> Administrator Rules
> =============================================================
> Use  MailScan on  your  EMail Servers  for maximum protection
> >from Internet-borne viruses.
> (end of emails)
> thought this would be better to send to A83 than to peter, because he 
> probably wouldn't know if someone was on A83. Thank you, just want to
> alert 
> any who have the virus.
> Jimmy Pardey
> _________________________________________________________________
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> http://resourcecenter.msn.com/access/plans/2monthsfree.asp

    Ronald Teune @School
    Support bacteria, it's the only culture some people have.

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