[A83] Re: abuse of mailing list


[A83] Re: abuse of mailing list

       I can clearly see why you posted this, and I totally agree with you, 
except for the fact of restricting people of straying off-topic. Although 
this was indeed intended for 83(+)assembly topics/questions/comments, there 
really is no problem if someone posts something non-TI-related, unless it 
refers to another calculator (as there are lists for every main calculator). 
When someone feels the need to actually post something off-topic, they wanted 
to share it with the rest of us, and we should respect that. Otherwise, 
nicely said.
Colin Hart

> Dear subscribers to ticalc's mailing list,
> altough I am not in the position of being able to moderate messages 
> and/or ask you to keep the following things in mind, I would appreciate 
> it if you could be able to obey the following rules (which, and I guess 
> other people as well, irritate me)
