[A83] Re: ZPic83 compression


[A83] Re: ZPic83 compression

Hello everyone,

I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm following your image compression 
techniques with interest. However, I would like to know how the LZSS 
compression you all seem to mention actually works.

As you might or might not know, I wrote TItanium MultiMedia, a goofy 
program which converts Windows videos to TI calculators. In my program 
I use six different image compression techniques, alongside interlacing 
(hence, it is video) and trimming. Maybe some of you could take a look 
at it to see what results it delivers. The program is downloadable from 
ticalc.org and there are two versions. Version 1.x.x is for *all* TI 
calculators but uses bad image compression. Version 2 is currently a 
testing release but it offers major compression.

For your convenience:

Version 1 (all calcs, poor compression):
Version 2 (82/83 only, good compression):

Let me know if this was useful to you.

