[A83] Re: Help File proof-reading [OT]


[A83] Re: Help File proof-reading [OT]

> Sorry about the wait..
> Ive uploaded the help file as suggested for anyone interested.  Feedback
is appreciated as usual.
> http://terrorsabbath.liero.org.pl/EXTASM83.HLP
> -Nat

hmm.. a few errors I've noticed :)
1) on tutorial #2, you are bcalling ionVersion.  This will work fine on the
normal 83, since on the 83 bcall == call.  However, on the 83+, a bcall to a
non rom call will almost certainly crash the calculator.  The correct syntax
here would be:
    call ionVersion
Also, I'm not sure if _clrLCDFull or _homeup destroy HL.  Just to make sure,
I would suggest rearranging the code as follows:

;======= code ========

    call    ionVersion

;======== end ========

2) In tutorial 3, you again bcall the ION routines.  This may work on the
83, but it will NOT work on the 83+.  You must use a normal call here.
3) Tutorial 3, at the bottom:  mabey=maybe  (Perhaps I'm being picky, but oh
well =P)
4) Tutorial 4 - same problem as the first two.. don't bcall the ION
routines.  For that matter, don't bcall any routines that are not built in
to the TI-OS.
5) This isn't really an error, just another way of doing the random number
between two bounds problem.  Most routines i know of do it this way. It's a
bit faster, too =)

;======= code ========
;c=lower bound
    call ionRandom        ; 0 <= a < b
    add    a,c                 ; c <= a < c+b
;======= end =========

6) Spelling on tutorial 5 - usualy = usual
7) Tutorial 6 - the other input of ionLargeSprite is 'ix=sprite'.  The
example code in this tutorial also uses ionPutSprite instead of
ionLargeSprite =)  And I know that at least with TASM you cannot do this:
    .db %1111110011111111
You must separate each byte with a comma (and in this case a %) so it would
look like this:
    .db %11111100,%11111111

8) the 83chmap.bmp picture is missing from tutorial 12.  Also - you should
not call _puts.  Reason?  It might work on the 83, but it will not work on
the 83+.  In ION, you _always_ bcall the rom routines.

All in all, this tutorial looks to be promising if you keep it up.  You
might want to go into a little more depth in some of your explanations (i.e.
the fact that ionLargeSprite and ionFastCopy disable the interrupts)  So fix
the above errors and it should be pretty good =)

- - Joe
