[A83] Re: displaying values of a variable


[A83] Re: displaying values of a variable

> I suggest you mean the uservars (A - Z & Theta)... Try this:
>     call _zeroop1   ;set op1 = 0
>     ld hl,op1+1      ;load address of op1 in hl
>     ld (hl),'A'          ;put this sign to that address, where hl is
> pointing to (op1)
>     call _rclvarsym ;Rom call that will recall the value of the variable,
> whose name is in OP1, in op1 / op2

damn! I forgot to write the most important command:
    call _dispop1a ;Displays contents of OP1

use register a to set the number of digits after the decimal point.

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