[A83] Re: What's wrong with this code?


[A83] Re: What's wrong with this code?

At 19:44 2002-02-21, you wrote:

>I hope there is someone who can tell me what's wrong with this code. It
>searches whether a number is a primenumber or not.

If you want to maximize the number of people actually bothering to look at 
your code, you should give a detailed description of when and how it 
doesn't work as you expect. just "something wrong" is very little to go on, 
then you have to read through it all and try to understand or compile and 
testrun which take a lot of time.
if you give a detailed description of what goes wrong, an experienced 
programmer can often very quickly pinpoint where the error probably is, and 
probably find the error very fast without having to try to test run it or 
even to have to read through the whole thing.

Now we don't even know if it compiles. is the problem a syntax problem, or 
a logical problem? does it give the wrong result? does it hang? if so, 
where and when. nothing to go on.

just some tips.

