[A83] Re: Small Letters


[A83] Re: Small Letters

It is actually an option that is part of MirageOS and has nothing to do with 
symbolic or your calculator.  I know that starting from my 1.12 (and 
upwards) lowercase works (i'm pretty sure it works on all of the roms 
though).  You enter Mirageos, and then after that you press alpha, in one of 
the choices (i'm not sure which one, might be the last one) There is a 
choice that allows you to enable lowercase.  Symbolic isn't needed to enable 

You would use the code

set 3,(iy+$24;2 enable
res 3,(iy+$24);2 reset

Got this from an 83plus asm help thing

> >
> > I recently got my 83+, and after playing around with some apps, I
> > discovered
> > a benefit that I thought could be isolated and used in the TI-OS.It 
> > when you have Symbolic installed on a calc, then send MirageOS to that
> > calc,
> > >from another calc (not a pc), this sometimes unlocks a small letters
> > options
> > by pressing ALPHA twice, or 2nd, ALPHA, ALPHA for lock (Like the 86, my
> > other calc), during normal TI-OS operations (home screen, prog editor,
> > etc).
> > So far this has only happened on OS 1.14, but all the calculators I have
> > tried it on (happened by accident once, tried on 3 more - 2 worked and 1
> > didn't(it was reconditioned ??would that affect it???)) have had this OS
> > so
> > it might work on others. I think it might be a left over interrupt 
> > or something that causes this (I am used to 86asm, are interrupts used
> > much
> > on the 83+?). Does anyone know what would cause this and if it could be
> > isolated as a single prog/app that installs this function to your 83+?
> >
> > Martin Smith
> > smity42@yahoo.com
> >
> > P.S. I only know 86asm, where can I learn some 83+ asm and how to write
> > flash apps?
> >

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