[A83] Re: Aurora for 83+?


[A83] Re: Aurora for 83+?

With Venus you could do this. (prgmBLAH being an assembly program)


When BLAH executes, Ans will contain the list. If prgmBLAH has Ans in its external variables list, Ans will be stored directly after prgmBLAH at startup, so it's easily accessable.

Of course, this only works with numbers. You can't have a string in a list. Just a string as input is possible.


--Tijl Coosemans

> ----------------------------------------
> From: Henk Poley <HPoley@DDS.nl>
> Sent: Wed Sep 26 21:27:45 GMT+02:00 2001
> To: <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
> Subject: [A83] Re: Aurora for 83+?
> When someone takes a better look at how the TIOS execute BASIC (there just
> needs to be some sort of 'bookmark' for the parser to know where it left)
> A more Ti89 style of programming can then be done:
> [...]
> prgmBLAH:(9,2,20,40)
> [..rest of BASIC prog..]
> Would let BLAH read the numbers, parse it, updates the 'bookmark' (if you
> don't then the error message you can generate will point right to the
> faulty entry). And then do whatever it needs to do.
> 	Henk Poley <><

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