[A83] Stupid Calculator!


[A83] Stupid Calculator!

On my 83+, I had an error in an asm program, so I deleted it, and everything 
worked fine. Later, I ran another normal, program that I had on my calculator 
which always ran fine before.  Once this ran, the calc shut straight off and 
whenever I tried to turn it on it would shut off again. I took ALL the 
batteries out, including the back-up one and waited an hour. The calculator 
finally turned on normally, and my entire memory was cleared. I sent things 
back to my 83+ assuming everything was back to normal. I ran a few assembly 
programs, and they worked fine. After I used a program more than once, it 
world shut off and have the same annoying problem as before. When I fixed 
this problem, I turned on the calculator, and all my programs from the 
beginning of this post were back! What the...? But, when I looked on my prgms 
menu, some of the programs were repeated, and at the bottom of the menu, the 
last item would just repeat. When I ran one of the repeating programs (which 
was BASIC), it ran a random program from above. The same would happened when 
I tried to edit it. Now, I cleared all my memory, to try and get rid of all 
these problems. Everything was erased just fine, but when I went to clear RAM 
just to see what happened, the calc shut off and a BOLD showed up for a SEC 
and everything went back to normal. (I hope!) Now what in the hell was going 
on? Is there any way to totally clear everything off the calculator, so this 
problem is fixed? Thanks for reading this frisking long post, but whatever.

