[A83] Re: Faster Multiplication


[A83] Re: Faster Multiplication

Of course that would be awful if you did that by hand.  However, if you had 
read his actual description of the algorith, he just reads all the values 
from a predefined table of squares.

In a message dated 5/31/2001 3:43:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
Mike3465@aol.com writes:

> The only problem that i see with that, is it requires doing power...which 
> sort of defeats the whole purpose...
> (3+8)^2-(3-8)^2 == (3+8)(3+8) - (3-8)(3-8)
> There are 2 multiplication that would be required, which rises another 
> point, 
> if you have to divide by 4, that is even slower then multiplication can be 

Jonah Cohen