[A83] Video compression


[A83] Video compression

Another small question from the Netherlands coming in:

can anyone give me more techniques for compressing video and still images in
Z80 assembler? As you might now, I'm the author of TItanium MultiMedia,
which converts Windows and Quicktime video's to your TI83. The current
compression system is in my opinion the most reliable and compact, but maybe
someone has more ideas for it?

the current compression works like this:

- convert the source frame to a 96x64x2 format using dithering
- RLE the B/W 96x64x2 screen
- RLE the difference (pixels that were modified since last frame) B/W
- check if the 'full' screen is bigger (size :-) than the 'difference'
screen and save the smallest

decompression is simple:

- check if the frame is 'full' or 'difference'
- if it is 'full', unpack it to @plotsscreen
- it it is 'difference', unpack it to @saferam1 and XOR it with the current
data @plotsscreen

If you haven't looked at TIMM yet, please do. Anyone having ideas about
this, please share them with everyone. I will credit everyone with
substantial information in the readme and info dialog. Thanks in advance!

yours sincerely,
Frank Schoep
Forever For Now
