[A83] Re: Mario 82 port and Gameboy processor


[A83] Re: Mario 82 port and Gameboy processor

The gameboy doesn't use a graphical bitmap like PC's and TI83's do, It's an 
8x8 hardware background tilemap with 8x8 sprites layered on top of it.  More 
like the NES.  The gameboy also has a Window layer.

>From: "Joe Pemberton" <dArkSk8eR@buffbody.com>
>Reply-To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>Subject: [A83] Re: Mario 82 port and Gameboy processor
>Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 21:11:57 -0500
>ehh... there is also the problem of different screen sizes, different
>ports, etc.  and I'm pretty sure the gameboy uses a memory maped lcd like
>the 86 does and not an LCD driver like the 83 series, so that would have to
>be worked around.
>Dont be fooled by the 83+(se)'s mhz, its still probably not enough to do
>runtime checking and emulation of the opcodes (it would have to check and
>see if the opcode of the gameboy game is unsupported, and if so, run a
>routine that mimics it.. that would have to happen before EVERY opcode is
>run, so it would slow down by a LOT)
>*shrug* you're better off just porting the games
>Original Message
>From: "james l"<james@kirk.math.twsu.edu>
>Subject: [A83] Re: Mario 82 port and Gameboy processor
>Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 20:01:27 -0500
> >
> >Root/Great Overall Dictator replies:
> >> Yeah, but the z80 processor itself is only missing about 5 of the 
> >> opcodes.  The gameboy processor does not have anything to do with 
> >> that is a separate part of the gameboy.  Don't worry about what it
> >> have, worry about what we need to emulate it.  Without sound emulation 
> >> would probably work just fine on the new 83plus (silver), except that 
> >> graphics would be black and white, and wuld slow it down.
> >>
> >
> >Why would it slow it down? the gb has a 4.7 Mhz cpu. Even emulating the
> >extra opcodes a 6MHz z80 should be able to run it fast enough.
> >
> >James L
> >
> >
> >
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