[A83] Re: Mario 82 port and Gameboy processor


[A83] Re: Mario 82 port and Gameboy processor

ehh... there is also the problem of different screen sizes, different
ports, etc.  and I'm pretty sure the gameboy uses a memory maped lcd like
the 86 does and not an LCD driver like the 83 series, so that would have to
be worked around.
Dont be fooled by the 83+(se)'s mhz, its still probably not enough to do
runtime checking and emulation of the opcodes (it would have to check and
see if the opcode of the gameboy game is unsupported, and if so, run a
routine that mimics it.. that would have to happen before EVERY opcode is
run, so it would slow down by a LOT)
*shrug* you're better off just porting the games
Original Message
From: "james l"<james@kirk.math.twsu.edu>
Subject: [A83] Re: Mario 82 port and Gameboy processor
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 20:01:27 -0500

>Root/Great Overall Dictator replies:
>> Yeah, but the z80 processor itself is only missing about 5 of the gameboy
>> opcodes.  The gameboy processor does not have anything to do with sound,
>> that is a separate part of the gameboy.  Don't worry about what it
>> have, worry about what we need to emulate it.  Without sound emulation it
>> would probably work just fine on the new 83plus (silver), except that the
>> graphics would be black and white, and wuld slow it down.
>Why would it slow it down? the gb has a 4.7 Mhz cpu. Even emulating the
>extra opcodes a 6MHz z80 should be able to run it fast enough.
>James L

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