[A83] Re: asm numerical input


[A83] Re: asm numerical input

In accordance with the prophecy, Tom uttered:

> I tried compiling this using ZiLOG Developer Studio 3.5 and it made
> my calc crash...any idea why? I did format it correctly I think. This
> is Tutorial 34 from ASMGuru. PGMIO_EXEC wasn't defined in
> TI83plus.inc, neither was _formDisp. Are they different for an 83+??
> The author claims that this code will ask for numerical input, and it
> can handle integers, equations, real numbers, tokens, etc.
> PGMIO_EXEC         equ           50B2h
> _formDisp          equ           4D0Eh
> org 9327h
>         ld      de,821ch
>         ld      hl,prompt
>         ld      bc,16
>         ldir
>         ld      a,1
>         ld      (ASM_IND_CALL),a
>         call    PGMIO_EXEC
>         call    _formDisp
>         ret
> prompt:         .db "Num: ",0
> end
> end

Doesn't work for the 83+. And no, you can't just pick a rom address from the 83
include file and try to use it on the 83+. Sorry.

> All tutorials Copyright (c) James Matthews 1998, unless specified.


Never mind.

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mixture of mathematics, literary criticism, and folklore.
                                                   -- B. A. Sheil, 1981
