RE: A83: A > Op1


RE: A83: A > Op1

In accordance with the prophecy, Marc Puts uttered:

> Sorry, i can't still figure uit what i need to do...
> What I want to do is negate the variable speed. That's all!
> Only if I knew how....
> This is what I tried:
> 	call	_zerooop1
> 	ld	a,(speed)
> 	ld	(op1),a
> 	call	_invop1s
> 	call	_convop1
> 	ld	a,e
> 	ld	(speed),a
> Can anybody tell me what's wrong with it?
> (Probably everything)

Yeah, pretty much. =) Sorry.

Try "neg a".

  "Every program has at least one bug and can be shortened by at least one
  instruction -- from which, by induction, one can deduce that every 
  program can be reduced to one instruction which doesn't work."
                                                                -- Unknown
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